Patient 40 years old, Straumann Pro Arch – All-on-6 full mouth dental implant dentures Our 40 year old patient underwent a full mouth rehabilitation of her maxillary and mandibular teeth with a set...Learn more
Patient 51 years old, All-on-6 implant dentures with full mouth dental implants The 51-year-old patient benefited from a full dental rehabilitation in 24 hours at the upper jaw with the help...Learn more
Patient 64 years old, All-on-6 full mouth dental implants, maxilla and mandible The 64-year-old patient benefited from a total restoration of the teeth in the jaw and mandible using the tech...Learn more
Patient 53 years old, Fast&Fixed – All-on-6 & All-on-4 implant dentures The 53-year-old patient benefited from a total dental restoration using the technique dental implants + fixed...Learn more